THANK YOU for doing this analysis. This "whistleblower" narrative pushed by Liz Gunn has divided the truther community here in New Zealand. Me being one who is appalled that Liz Gunn did this. Leads me to believe she is a ConOp. Placed early on as a journalist on our side, to get a fan base. Since she also set up her political Party supposedly under the guise of being there for the freedom fighters while taking votes off the real threat, NZ FIRST. Who luckily still managed to get in via Special votes and IS making some changes. I note how she (And Ally Cook) have specifically used this BS expose to assault Winston Peters demanding he take action using this BS narrative. When in fact NO action IS necessary when he has already announced there will be a public inquiry that will include looking into the safety and efficacy of these vaccines. The two of them made some desperate plea that its SOOO urgent and Winston didnt respond....why was it suddenly so extremely urgent when "Barry" had the data for a while. At least 8 months?!

Not forgetting, this data shows NOTHING and is pure speculation. Anyone who can google NZ death stats and compare that to this data would see that straight up. All they presented was their own TWIST on the data using the worst month they could find on deaths, for maximum impact. And even in court, the only way to prove a death is via autopsy, not speculative data.

There is excess deaths yes, there are vaccine deaths yes but this is a total SCAM. Especially since they are also inviting Kiwis to come forward as a whistleblower if you have any information. BUT, where would the support and protection be exactly when Lix Gunn herself RAN AND HID like a COWARD when Barry was arrested! Mind you, that was all part of the intentional drama and emotion for their narrative! And you look overseas to see what happens to whistleblowers, NOT wise. Leave it to Winston and the Public inquiry being done where Im sure he and his team do have experts in their fields who will provide expert and qualified evidence instead of this BS SCAM from Liz and Kirsch. I believe there has been another lady investigating actual suspicious deaths since 2021 that could be vaccine related and has been interviewing people if possible and has her own database. That would be more reliable than this bs data scam. There is also our VAERS data that is more reliable than this BS data scam that someone also recently released on substack.

Kirsch IMHO can STF away from NZ and our genuine freedom movement. Kirsch who using bully tactics harassed everyone who dared challenge is data representation with his usual 1 million dollar bets where all he would do is argue his own narrative. He also LIED about his server being taken down where he was "ghosted" by Wasabi. I got the data off his server myself on the 4 Dec and when I saw his BS follow up on this whistleblower after he was arrested, I checked his server 7 Dec and could still dload the data! I took a snapshot of me logged on!

One clear sign to pick out a Controlled Operative is whether or not they are actually making a difference OR if they are creating Chaos and Division. Liz shows herself as a truther but IS creating chaos and division. We dont need the infiltration nor division and those of us aware to whats going down with this global coup are see a Con a mile away, we aint all the "sheep" the world believes us to be.

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Thank you for this important insight

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your welcome, even though the majority is merely my humble opinion, thank you for allowing it! I dont know what happened with the first post. Anyway, I think its important to express that most opposition to this expose is expected to be woke denial of those who arent aware of whats going on. BUT, I am a truther myself and feel its important others can see a totally different perspective even being a truther and that I see this expose as a total scam being a critical thinker that will question and examine every detail without the need to argue the validity of the data. Its not the data itself, its HOW its been used and presented for a "narrative". Typical mainstream shite if I must say! All drama and wind but NO substantial evidence behind the narrative that would even stand up in court! They expect the majority wont go dig deeper or question the narrative. All its done is create chaos and division targeting the truther community as well as attacking Winston Peters.

Ive given reasons why I dont trust Liz nor Kirsch "as I see it". We should all be challenging and questioning every thing put before just as much by those who we know to be globalists, we also need to vet and challenge those who claim to be on our side otherwise we are going from one problem straight into another. People need to not just be "awake" but not be so gullible!

Kirsch also goes on about how the data is "HIS". Legally NO its not "his". Its data taken from the MOH without approval by Barry, given to Liz who passed it onto Kirsch. And it is his "PRESENTATION" of "stolen" data. THIS expose also gave mainstream more reason to assault our truther community with their "mis-information" narratives. I got onto even gaming talk sites where there were pages and pages, hundred of comments from the woke abusing truthers. WE did not need that either.

ALSO, it could give reason to push tougher regulations and globalist narratives regarding cyber security which is a big thing right now. BUT, lucky we dont have Labour/Greens and the activist elite Te Pati Maori in power! Thanks to Lizs attempt to dispose of the NZ FIRST threat failing, they now have been shuffled to the back seats and Winston has the floor!

And, when it comes to "vetting" supposed truthers, Liz is an EX TV presenter so was/is in the club? Would they have even allowed anyone who isnt "one of them" on their stage? if she is/was, has she jumped as she claimed and "seen the light"? Thats where you have to watch what they are doing and evaluate as if on a trial period, like any job. Prove themselves. Aside from her truther journalist facade. And, the one rule of thumb to distinguish between a genuine truther and a controller operative is if they are actually making a difference or creating drama, chaos and division. She has FAILED my vetting what with her past and present actions. A good example is Tamaki. He stood as a "truther" also set up a party to steal NZ First votes. Set up protests of thousands of kiwis to walk the streets shouting FREEDOM that got us nowhere other than to make us feel like we have had our say. Whats he been doing recently? Hes been in Aussie using Maori to pushing PRO Israel narratives! - FAIL!

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About 12 hours after Liz Gunn's interview with Barry Young was posted on Rumble, Aussie17 posted a Substack post about the video and tweeted a 10-minute video of highlights from the video (https://www.aussie17.com/p/new-zealand-government-data-administrator, https://x.com/_aussie17/status/1730151291937280468). Kirsch only published his Substack post about the data around 14 hours later. I think the first time I heard about the NZ data was when someone retweeted or quoted the highlight video by Aussie17. However his bio says that he is an "Ex-Big Pharma Exec exposing Big Pharma". And Liz Gunn used to be the host of several shows on mainstream TV.

So it sounds similar to the cast of characters who presented Team Enigma's findings. When Kirsch was on InfoWars, Alex Jones compared the release of the NZ data to the release of Team Enigma's data two years earlier. The first big presentations about Team Enigma's data were done in January 2022 by Sasha Latypova and Mike Yeadon, who are both former executives in the pharmaceutical industry (https://stewpeters.com/video/2022/01/hackers-reveal-deadly-jab-lot-numbers-horrific-pfizer-teen-trial-data-and-more/, https://odysee.com/%40Corona-Investigative-Committee/Mike-Session-86-en). Latypova did her presentation on the Stew Peters Show where she was interviewed by Stew and Jane Ruby, who both used to work in mainstream media just like Liz Gunn. (I believe it was also Latypova's debut appearance in alt media, and she later started to push Stew psyops about hydrogel and self-assembling structures found in COVID jabs. 🤔)

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One of my points was that my trust has been destroyed in many who have had fame, positions of power, or any sort of "voice", and clearly for good reason since we do not know if they are ConOp or genuine Fence Jumpers since these globalists specialize in infiltration and psychological warfare. And, its easy for them to do what with intimidation, contracts, NDAs, threats... A good example is our own media. WTF has happened? I used to be proud of them. I used to believe they were up the top there with the best in the world in genuine unbias journalism, until Jabcinda paid them off!

So, I see MAJOR errors being made here with the TRUST issues I have developed and thats that we are allowing so-called "truthers" the stage WITHOUT vetting them. Again, using Maloney as an example...WHO out of us has ever had the chance to vet him and screen him and been given an opportunity to vote him into a position of authority where he has taken it upon himself to head some new Baloney organisation one should just take on face value and TRUST ? One argument we all have with "global authority" has been "we did not vote for them".

Do you REALLY want someone heading any new medical association who has been involved in the evolution of something that has developed into a bio-weapon and who seems to be doing things that are hurting rather than helping? In my humble opinion, HELL NO! Certainly not during this stage as like I said, anyone with links or suspicions needs to be on a trial, observed and evaluated, then IF they have proven themselves they get a minimal position, go up in stages and continue to observe. But hes jumped to the top without any of us being given this right to vet, observe, audit and make a collective honest vote ... Same goes for Liz and her NZ "Loyal" party. Ive observed her over the past 4 years and she would NOT get my vote. But the sad thing is, others who dont understand the concerns of infiltration and how we got into the mess WILL fall for the emotion and drama and vote. I did notice that she never introduced herself with full disclosure on her past, giving information as you would for a job application, for us to vet. For example, there are "rumours" that her husband has globalist links...who is he? are they still together? what is that about? But she remained silent and had her soldiers like CSM out there in her defense saying thats none of our busines, respect his and her privacy. I disagree, it IS our business and we DO need to vet them when they want positions of power

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Seriously? That last statement is about as absurd as one could possibly get.

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Tasc Inc., Andover, Massachusetts (W81XWH-15-D-0042), were awarded a $501,000,000 order dependent contract with options for medical research. Funding and work location will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of July 30, 2020

Why don't you just read and research?

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Searching that goes to a research project for administering oxytocin to army soldiers to "improve cohesion" (but without the D in the reference).

TASC were bought by Primark to "avoid conflicts" - laughable.


Please remember to archive as you go.


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This is what "Dr. Malone" is REALLY about

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The next pandemic: Chikungunya?

The tiger mosquito that carries the chikungunya virus is now moving into new habitats in Europe and America thanks to climate change. This means the once tropical disease could soon become a global pandemic threat.

23 March 2021

August in Italy usually means one thing – vacation time. But in August of 2007, the tiny village of Castiglione Di Cervia in northern Italy was seeing one person after another fall sick with a high fever, muscle ache and exhaustion and excruciating joint pain.

Symptoms: A chikungunya infection causes fever and debilitating joint pain, as well as muscle pain, joint swelling, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash. The name "chikungunya" is Swahili for "that which bends," referring to the stooped posture associated with the extreme joint pain caused by the virus. Since some of the symptoms overlap with dengue and Zika, chikungunya can be misdiagnosed in areas where these diseases are common.


https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-022-01641-3 Chikungunya and Lyme vaccines make headway

Nature Biotechnology volume 41, page6 (2023)

https://www.nature.com/articles/nm.2105 A virus-like particle vaccine for epidemic Chikungunya virus protects nonhuman primates against infection

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2812514 November 29, 2023

FDA Approves First Chikungunya Vaccine - The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently greenlit the first vaccine to prevent chikungunya, a disease spread by mosquitos carrying the chikungunya virus. The agency called the virus an “emerging global health threat” due to its growing prevalence and geographic range. The vaccine, marketed as Ixchiq by Valneva Austria GmbH, is approved for adults 18 years or older who are at high risk of exposure to chikungunya virus.

The approval was based in part on clinical trial results showing that the live-attenuated vaccine elicited antibody levels high enough to protect against disease in about 99% of participants who received it.

Chikungunya often causes such symptoms as fever, rashes, and joint and muscle pain that last about a week, although some people experience long-term severe joint pain. Death from infection with the virus is rare.

Do you KNOW WHO "experience long-term severe joint pain"?


https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download page 16: FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines - -Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes the slide read as follows –

“FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***

-Guillain-Barré syndrome

-Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

-Transverse myelitis

-Encephalitis /myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encephalopathy



-Narcolepsy and cataplexy


-Acute myocardial infarction


-Autoimmune disease


-Preganacy and birth outcomes

-Other acute demyelinating diseases

-Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions


-Disseminated intervascular coagulation

-Venous thromboembolism

-Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

-Kawasaki disease

-Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

-Vaccine enhanced disease”



Arthralgia 87,512 5.55%

Arthritis 4,116 0.26%

Arthritis reactive 551 0.03%

Bone pain 4,775 0.3%

Joint range of motion decreased 3,175 0.2%

Joint stiffness 2,484 0.16%

Joint swelling 6,719 0.43%

Pain 133,000 8.44%

Pain in extremity 115,021 7.3%

Rheumatoid arthritis 3,426 0.22%

Lyme disease 511 0.03%

Chikungunya virus infection 9 0%

Chills 138,569 8.79%

Rash 55,745 3.54%

Rash erythematous 12,992 0.82%

Rash follicular 9 0%

Rash macular 5,658 0.36%

Rash maculo-papular 707 0.04%

Rash maculovesicular 5 0%

Rash morbilliform 298 0.02%

Rash neonatal 5 0%

Rash papular 4,035 0.26%

Rash papulosquamous 7 0%

Rash pruritic 11,913 0.76%

Rash pustular 258 0.02%

Rash rubelliform 12 0%

Rash scarlatiniform 10 0%

Rash vesicular 1,090 0.07%


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Why is Gates releasing these mosquitoes? To have a new "reason" for more "injections." Haven't we had enough?

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IDIQ Award to TASC by U.S. Army for Medical Product Research

and Development. (W81XWH-15-D-0042)

Capture manager, lead


2016 $5 Billion

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IMO Gunn's actions in all this were reprehensible.

WB was only in prison coz Gunn released a video against his wishes, mainly to get her 15 minutes of fame.

Despise her actions in this unreservedly.

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YES, I did see that was the case with the statement VFF release on the history behind that "data". This could have been handled much better IF he is a genuine "whistleblower" had he remained with the "other" group he had been working with .. that wasnt VFF and not gone on Gunn's bandwagon! Interesting that she was promoting "whistleblowers to come forward". Ummm what did she do what he was arrested, she went into hiding, supposedly.

Had I encouraged him to go public, Id be standing by him taking the heat with him. Despite Barry stating he was willing to suffer any consequences. Would you want to go to her with any information and trust you'd be supported and protected in any way after that cowardly show? Especially when as it is, we are seeing those who are standing up being arrested with BS charges where it will take a long time to get their day in court, only for it all to be dropped. Take Billy and Vinnie for an example. Not saying I support either of them but they are a good example of our corrupt justice system and how they are treating who they consider to be dissidents. So there is no way Id TRUST that anyone who did have information and stepped forward to Liz, would be SAFE to do so. I see it as a trap.

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Agreed re: being a trap.

A very Hanlon's razor style of trap, but a trap nonetheless.

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Gina you just need to take another couple of boosters!

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Speaking of divisive, all I can see here is a whole lot of divisive stuff! Yuck

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There is no "division" here??? No one has said anything aggressive, I see a polite conversation. What I mean by "division and chaos" is where you have an "event" that creates a separation of understanding of the event amongst the group its intended for. Which this "event" did, not this conversation about it. And, when you see that happening, critical thinkers cant help but wonder if it was done with this intent. Others with the ability to go check figures and calculations, as I did myself, I clearly saw that there is no way this "data bomb" proves anything. Instead, I saw on groups that arent even to do with any of this, game groups, gardening groups all once again slamming us "truthers" and with every reason to as well since that data proved nothing and made us look STUPID. Have you actually taken any of the actual post serious, have you looked at the data itself, have you looked at NZ Stats figures and looked at other more relevant data sets like our own VAERS or have you randomly just decided this conversation is divisive and Liz is a sweet harmless "truther" without adding anything to prove contrary to general opinion and to the main article?

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Well said

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Meanwhile...why was there a mass population 'vaccine solution' against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?

The political and social damage caused by the imposition of coercive/mandated vaccination must be evaluated - the destruction of personal autonomy and bodily integrity, and the exploitation of the population with highly questionable vaccine products.

The most astonishing thing is the medical 'profession' collaborated with the violation of voluntary informed consent, the most important ethical principle in medicine.

And it's still happening... I question whether anyone has given valid voluntary informed consent to the Covid jabs...or any vaccination for that matter.

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Excellent point. And in fact their "stolen data" reinforces this point. For a fatal pandemic necessitating biofascist measures there should have been a massive improvement in mortality from the intervention, and there wasn't. In fact the interventions over 2 years produced an increase in mortality at least the level expected from an unexplained increase in elderly in the population.

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Did you get any gut feeling about the integrity of the ‘official’ data? This unexplained ageing of the population seems a bit suspect given that CoViD disproportionately affected the elderly. There has been some occasional suspicion of official data tampering elsewhere …

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I have more than guts feelings as far as falsification of official data goes ; the census data for example in the US is a major confounder on which I'm preparing an article.

Deaths are harder to falsify ; but the data collection procedures of the states must be scrutinized with care prior to draw conclusions.

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It is irrefutable, as is the data from the USA and other countries see Dr David Martin, Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Judy Mikowitz, while they are trying to save lives you are trying to do the opposite. How much are you getting paid?

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Read again what was written, thanks, these little characters in black under white background often have meaning.

Your message being an exception to this rule of course.

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Steve Kirsch is offering millions to anyone who can prove covid-19 actually exists. Secondly, the jab (which is not a vax) has been declared by the state of Florida to be a biological weapon and a nano technology weapon. I'm sure they did their research diligently. Thirdly, america's leading cardiologist has declared the covid-19 injection is a killer and that those conspiring like the FDA, WHO, CDC, TGA, etc are criminals.

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Yes, just how trustworthy is NZstats I wonder. And why would there be ‘unexplained aging’ .. same as you stated. Unless their gov somehow expected them to already be dead. And especially when those dying of whatever it was were OLDer than the average age of death.

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What is "unexplained increased in elderly population" supposed to mean? Did aliens land a fleet of Cocooners in New Zealand in 2022?

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As far as the fact that none gave informed consent, I could hardly agree with you more.

Frauds of the Pfizer EUA & BLA trials are the key focus of this Substack, when we don't have to defuse time-bombs planted by "our side".

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Yes, the biggest and most destructive fraud of all time, and the perpetrators are still walking around scot free…

We also have to examine the abysmal failure of the ‘doctors’ and ‘professors’ to question the unnecessary ‘vaccine solution’ in the first place.

See for example my recent substack article: Why was there a 'vaccine solution'?

Against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people... https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/why-was-there-a-vaccine-solution

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And in the same vein ... were the injections even authorised for the use of preventing transmission in NZ? (I mean not authorised at all, not provisional approval). In Australia, this is what the PARs said on the subject. https://homocomfortus.substack.com/p/the-covid-response-in-australia

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I am no stats guru

I am no medical genius or even quite frankly that interested in ‘science’

But I can smell a rat from quite a distance

I have had 3 football mates from 1980’/90’s who I haven’t seen for many years die from heart attacks and strokes ( heard through the grapevine) a mates little sister die from blood clots, a friend of my wife lucky to be alive after a stroke, 2 people I play tennis with Bell’s palsy and shingles ( we thought the first one was a stroke), another guy I play volleyball with a heart attack, my wife knows someone who was diagnosed with cancer and died in a month, met another lady (just last week) who had encephalitis and is fucked for life , will never work again has massive brain fog, specialist thinks vax

There are some others I have no doubt forgotten, these are ones I know about, many people are hesitant to share illnesses or most likely vax injuries

All these people were double triple and maybe vaxed more.

I have been at Marches in the city where I have met Mums whose kids have got myocarditis.

Probably 100% zero have been reported to Vaers.

Alternatively pre vax we could go years without hearing of deaths or serious illnesses from friends or family.

So I just don’t buy for a second that this data proves nothing or even the opposite, what I do know is statistics can be manipulated to show what you want.

My eyes and ears tell me the truth.

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Agreed. Please feel free to read the article

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Yes, and this brainiac Syed gave us cause to think the psy op through. I had doubts, just given the fact I knew all data was manipulated by the globalists who pushed the shot. From VAERS, to the secoind CDC hidden database, to the redactions, the hidden research lies and all the friggin bullshit they fed us. Have to be an idiot to eat what they were serving as safe and effective.

Of course there is excess mortality. Rancourt has crunched those numbers, and chat gtp had no issues with how he did it. WITH A CAUTION, THAT THE DATA IS LACKING. So everything we hear, has to include a maybe/maybe not.

We know for fact there is graphene oxide in the shot, and G.O., causes blood clots and hyper inflammation.(likely wrong term) We know for certain that there is P.E.G. in the shot and it is toxic, we know for certain there is contaminant DNA in the shot, including sv 40...

There are hundreds of studies showing harm from the shot, while Doshi stated the 1 in 800 serious adverse events.

I figured out 40 years ago that voting in a representational democracy that is owned by inequality is a fools game. And then I watched the many patterns fall into place, from Agenda 21, to the Great Reset.

60 years old. There is absolutley no doubt, this injection was for geo political purpose.

We also know for certain that Graphene oxide has been extensively studies for self assembling transmitters and in body sensors. But they have never been able to solve the fact that G.O. kills, while statiung repeatedly in the research out there that "more research is needed"

Well they just did 3 years of more research using billions of people.

It woudl be a ridiculous preposition that there was no excess death from that shot.

Anyone denying there is G.O. in the shot , is controlled opposition. End of story. I can prove it objectively, subjectively, and circumstantially.

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Please do prove it, because so far everything I have seen re Graphine Oxyde was utter fabricated crap.

Don't forget to share a reproducible protocol for the demonstration.

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Good thing for me, I know that your ignorance is not knowledge

Beyond any reasonable doubt. While you naysay based on ignorance.

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Powerful evidences, thanks. Take a week of rest.

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It’s almost as if important, well-researched and well-analysed official datasets begin life as anecdotal evidence that then spark genuine scientific curiosity in professional, honest observers... (spoiler: they do)... Anecdotes such as yours are everywhere. There are websites, Facebook groups, podcasts, channels, books and all manner of sirens blasting this info all day long (those that haven’t been censored, suppressed, smeared or infiltrated, at least...) and at some point, enough NPC normie sheeple are going to have to inadvertently red pill each other with words like “yeah, I’ve been noticing that too...” and “do you think they might not have our best interests at heart?” if enough of us are to get out of this alive...

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Interesting article, thanks for the analysis, I look forward to looking through the GitHub repo. As someone from NZ the death rates espoused by those releasing of the data always seemed absurd and I was surprised no one was talking about the age of the cohorts. It seems like the guy (awaiting imprisonment) who released the data may be genuine?!? but have no understanding of death rates amongst elderly cohorts, but I sadly I don't think the same can be said of those pushing the story. All that being said, there does seem to be an increase in emergency call outs (my town has a volunteer fire brigade that doubles as paramedics and is summonsed to duty by siren) , we've gone from 2-3 alarms per week to at least 1 sometimes 5 per day. But as for the death rates reported in "alt" media from this leak they are impossible, half the country would be dead. One point to note, e.g. what seems a data error, the 32 doses for one person, may in fact be true, a few people were busted by the cops for getting injections on behalf of others for cash, so that the others could get the vaccine passports and keep their jobs, so while unlikely it is still possible. Thanks and keep up the good work.

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Yes that's our view too. This data was deliberately released as bait and it under reports deaths... Either deliberately or due to the nature of data linkage

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If this was released as some sort of smoke and mirrors operation, the individual involved should end up walking free. He has breached the information security and privacy regulations, which attract a minimum five years jail. If the NZ government choose to claim the data is "national security" classified due to the damage the release could cause to the NZ government, the punishment increases again. Watch this space because the whistleblower is up for at least ten years jail time. If he walks then a stinky rat is in the biscuit tin.

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Let's see..if the data is real it is likely just missing death data. There is no reason to believe he would have access to that.

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My understanding is NZ government was not storing all the data in the one database, hence why certain data was missing. He is the database administrator, no reason to believe he would not have access to the entire table set in order to do his job. I believe he grabbed what he thought was useful to expose what is happening. The NZ government has owned it and stated as such and locked him up. So either they are lying and have run this massive operation to discredit the anti pharma movement and set this guy up for the fall or its genuine. I don't see the NZ government, having the time or resources to go to those lengths while trying to win an election.

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You might wish to remember that the NZ government were the ones that declared that the only source of COVID truth was theirs. You might also recall the lengths the NZ government went to, to stop any discussion of Brenton Tarrant - which included shutting down multiple websites around the world except the very one which hosted the original video. The NZ government are perfectly capable of coming up with Barry Young, but this article does not state that they did. It merely shows you that the claims made about Barry Young's findings representing an overt safety signal are false.

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I remember every government in the G20 stating they were the only source of covid truth. I also remember the Tarrant incident under Ardern. I never said they were not capable of coming up with Barry Young, I said it was unlikely they had the time or resources to do so given the Labor party were struggling to stay in power. Not even NZ Labor are so stupid as to try something like that when up for reelection the risk of it backfiring if proven they leaked "Misinformation" charged and jailed Young would prove everything that has been said about them being totalitarian and evil would be validated publicly. Iif the data is legit and proven correct, they lose again. I do not disagree with the last line nor do I agree as I have not sliced and diced my set of the data and most likely won't. I have a copy to ensure it was preserved and rely on the experts at this stuff to science it out for me.

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It could be genuine and incomplete.

It could also be originally genuine and then manipulated.

I'm torn.

I'm skeptical that this was a clever op by the NZ government.

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I'm amazed to read that you think it's more important to protect the government than a genuine researcher who stuck his neck out to give you the information.

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I'm afraid you misread us.

Time will tell if B.Y. is genuine, and we only argue in favor of data transparency. Good data, if possible.

Meanwhile trying to sell this data as the MOAR which will end the shots is an absolute fallacy which convinces none (rightfully) on the proponent side of the jabs.

A key reason for said jabs to be still standing is because we are regularly polluted by people who don't care much about accuracy - to the detriment of all of us as far as public perception is concerned.

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The accuracy seems to only be looked at from one side which is a characteristic of our warped society. Why is the data so hard to procure? Why is it ok for the agencies to hide it or make it confusing? Why didn't everyone ask for the data when covid was said to be a pandemic? Why no data about the isolation of covid itself? It's all one-sided, that is the real pollution. And why should the man be in jail when he may have used the data that was available? I thought it was innocent until proven guilty.

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We don't disagree. All this data should be transparent and then there would be no need to procure a Barry Young and put other people who were trying to help resolve this at risk, which is precisely what happened.

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Dec 26, 2023Edited
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You make a good point which if I may I will expand...

If someone is forcing you (assuming you are of sound mind) to take a medical treatment it cannot, by definition, be in your best interests.

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That's right because ultimately it has to be a choice whether to take them or not, but it was so pushed and coerced upon the people, one cannot say they were asked. What happened to body autonomy? Did that just go out the window? Why wasn't anyone howling about that? But if the nefarious side - the side that wants to jab everyone on earth - makes claims, they get supported. Where were the skeptics when the pandemic was called? Nobody asked for evidence there was a pandemic, or that the hospitals were filled, and a whole lot more.

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I subscribe Mathew Crawford's RTE locals. He knows SK. The guy's untrustworthy.

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Trends in cause of death could be interesting; I think in Australia cardiovascular deaths have been much higher but offset by unusually low deaths from respiratory infections?

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Personally, I worry that extended debate over this kind of stuff takes our eyes off the ball. It's like the game "look over there". We already know that Operation Warp Speed was run by the DOD as a bioweapons program, complete with laws applicable only during an "emergency" allowing contracts to call for the manufacture of "countermeasures", not vaccines. We already know that no informed consent was possible and that the ingredients of the jabs are toxic to the human body. I think there's plenty of information already available to fry the perpetrators of the so-called "pandemic".

So ... what should we be focusing the vast majority of our time on in my opinion? Pressuring our individual states to maximize the use of states' rights to oppose the global cabal of psychopathic oligarchs. Withdrawing from the WHO. Organizing massive rebellion against the installation of financial control systems like CBDC (or equivalent), digital IDs, centralized surveillance databases, and social credit systems. Loss of financial transaction freedom means loss of individual sovereignty. Bye bye USA, hello China. MAKE SOME NOISE.

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Totally agree..We felt that it was necessary to put this "bombshell" to bed to show people the dirty tricks that vested interests will play to distract the population from whom awareness is their biggest fear.

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Brilliant comment!

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💯% 🎯

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Yes, I am in agreement on this

Sasha Latypova, Catherine Watt and Mike Yeadon have nailed this.

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1. If Steve's interpretation is incorrect, he must say so.

2. See 3.

3. False flag with plant could explain all.

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Dec 26, 2023
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Removed & banned 24 hours for sharing personal coordinates.

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Because some don't know who "Dover" is, here's info: https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/is-tiffany-dover-responsible-for


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Wow, Fast Eddy got banned from here while I was replying to him. I wonder what he did here.

I was going to say that I gave him a way to enact his Tiffany Dover plan before when he got banned from Steve Kirsch newsletter, that is - start a GiveSendGo and write his own Substack Articles detailing his Tiffany Dover plan to hire a PI, linking to it.

If the plan is really great he doesn't need Steve Kirsch to finance it. People would jump at the chance to help.

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Steve didn't ban you - I banned you for spamming after repeatedly warning you that's it's ok to post about Tiffany Dover but to not repeatedly copy/paste the same comment as spam. You just wouldn't stop.

I assume you were trying to get banned so you could pretend Steve Kirsch banned you.

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If the person is a "muh graphene" bot then they won't last very long on here either

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you babble ignorance as knowledge, and do you really think intelligent people give a fuck about being "here"? You are nothing more than a pimple on a horses d1ck, with an opinion you think is fact :P

have a nice day...

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I see -- can you ask Steve why he refused to respond to my suggestions that he offer Dover One Million Dollars for an interview?

Could it be that Steve is a false actor who is tasked (as is Malone) with running the A Vaxxers in circles -- he releases info knowing full well that it will not reach the Vaxxers - or if it does they will delete it cuz it's not bbccnn... no harm done right?

But the Dover thing... that's different innit....

If he contacts the husband (his info is all over the web)... and makes the offer through him... and they turn it down... after she just did the NBC freebie...

Well that most certainly would draw the attention of the Vaxxers... they surely would ask -- why would she turn down all the $$$$ --- she just did a freebie where she said she wanted to kill the rumours that she's dead...

What better place to kill the rumours than to address them with the A Vaxxers on SS....

Yes indeed that might actually bring them into the A Vaxxer parallel universe and Steve's bosses at the Ministry of Truth said -- do not respond Fast Eddy - do NOT offer $$$.

And you will recall where I doubled down and suggested Steve hire a PI to determine if Dover is alive... how hard can that be? Surely it would be easy to find her house - just follow hubby.

Then stake it out and see if she goes out --- you know ... supermarket ... shopping... hair salon...

Steve didn't want to do that either.

And then -- you banned me.

Like I said -- Steve is an embedded agent... he is playing his role... just like Malone... and many others here on SS

Ever wonder why other platforms have been heavily censored -- but not SS?

I betcha cuz they want to use SS to keep an eye on all the A Vaxxers... make sure they are not up to any mischief... run them in circles releasing damning info -- they believe they are Winning... so they don't cause trouble

Ask Steve about this.

Funny thing - if he comments on other SSs I immediately ask him why he banned me over the Dover suggestion ... he ignores me

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I don't ask Steve Kirsch questions for people - you were banned for spamming - it had nothing to do with Tiffany Dover. Many people post about Dover on Steve Kirsch Newsletter and don't get banned - because they don't freak out and spam the comments.

You hang out with the gossipers and haters; since you hate Steve Kirsch why do you think he would fund your Tiffany Dover plan? If your plan is good write it up in your own Substack and post a GiveSendGo. Fund your plan yourself and just do it.

Again, if your plan is good it will be easily funded by all the people rushing to agree with you. Nobody is stopping you from enacting your plan and to carry out your dreams - except your own obsession, paranoia and hatred.

While you're busy gossiping and hating, Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone are holding another Covid Litigation Conference to help lawyers go after the bad guys. You're welcome.


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Who is helping Barry Young with legal fees?

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Trying a little gossip on your own? Simple reading usually debunks gossip.

"The first rule of holes: when you find yourself in one, stop digging.

Maybe you want to consider withdrawing your criminal charges against Barry Young? He did not commit a crime. He relied on the advice of experts including UK Professor Norman Fenton before releasing the data. Of course, you wouldn’t know that because you never asked him. You never even talked to him before having him arrested. Your actions are despicable."

- Steve Kirsch to the NZ Government.

Also, if you really want to know details, ask Barry Young on Twitter where you can donate to his legal fund. https://twitter.com/BarryYoungNZ/status/1740162016885801283

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Isn't Malone the guy who stated he has very deep ties to the CIA (and deep state)?


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Yes, you have no evidence that Dr. Malone is a secret agent for deep state so you gossip and wonder. Meanwhile, Dr. Malone goes to British Parliament and testifies against the vaccines.

Sitting and stewing in gossip doesn't help anyone, especially you.

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1. If someone does not respond to a very good question --- does it not make sense to ask again? Just in case they missed it the first time ... and the second... and the third... etc...

We know why Steve did not respond - he has received my question on other SSs as I replied to his comments... it's because he is a false actor... He will NEVER do anything to actually harm The Plan... that's quite obvious.

What do you think - should he offer Dover 1M for an interview?

2. You have me all wrong ..... I support the extermination plan... just like Steve I understand that it is necessary. Details of what Steve knows here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

I'm just having a bit of fun with ya'll ... it doesn't matter... the deal is done .. now we just wait for The Pathogen to be released - then the dying begins

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Most people can guess why he didn't respond - he's busy testifying, analyzing data, organizing lawyers, more defeat the mandate rallies - helping doctors against medical boards and especially helping the vaccine injured.

You hate that, it seems. What do you have against the vaccine injured that you want to stop VSRF from helping them?

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Dec 27, 2023Edited
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Which one are you ? The one who was throwing coordinates of a potential vax-injured's husband while getting hot, or the one who was insulting us for being pharma-shills in 20 irrelevant comments ?

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He banned me long time ago. So is Malone, Cole and those others who deny G.O. in the experimental shot. It has been found definitively, it is researched for years definitevly, it is used in current medicine definitively, they just dont want us knowing WHY they put it in this shot

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You also were banned by me from Steve Kirsch Newsletter for bad comment behavior. Many people disagree and are NOT banned because they engage in civil commenting behavior.

Just reply that you will comment in a civil manner from now on and I'll unban you.

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If you have access to Steve's comments, you can ask him why he ignored mine re his massacre of the Deaths count during the Pfizer trial - both on Substack & Twitter ?


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I just moderate comments there and don't have any special access except in cases of emergency when trolls try to take down the site.

I do read his articles and twitter a lot and have noticed Steve Kirsch is so busy he set up https://kirschsubstack.com/p/how-to-contact-me . If you choose option one you will get a subset of choices, pick one you think is best.

I would love to hear an X Space with you and Dr. Syed discussing the NZ data with Steve Kirsch and a few other experts. I think a civil discussion is much better than people insulting and accusing.

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I agree but unfortunately whilst the threats to me continue this will never be possible. Perhaps one day when the public ever stands behind whistleblowers this may change. For now, if you believe Barry Young is a whistleblower, it is interesting to watch the apathy from the public in his regard.

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And you think I give a flying fuck ? How about this, in the words of E.M.

"go fuck yourself"

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Thanks for confirming I made the right decision! 😁

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Usually it just takes a little bit of patience!

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I'll watch. However, even if he is totally wrong on Dover (whoever that is--I do not know that story) and banning you, 90% of what he does is on our side.

This is not a time to avoid compromise on some issues if we are to forge alliances and win the war. I don't know what to think about "virus," whether they exist or not. I don't really care. I don't know that what is "in" the shots is totally relevant to winning the war, because that fact of massive numbers of adverse events is really all that's relevant. In fact, pointing to what's "in" the jabs could work against us--because gee, we didn't realize our manufacturing processes were so awful; we'll improve those and all will be good and the jab will be heaven on earth.

In propaganda/marketing, there's the "hook" and the "message." They can be very different. Let's focus on the hook so we can instill the message.

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Pushing 90 (or 99%) of good - and never original - information while pushing 1% to 10% of garbage is the description of the standard playbook of the infiltrate.

Out of memory, can you quote one original information Steve provided, resisting to scrutiny ? I can't - yet I have followed closely.

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He is in the face of the opposition, million dollar bets and all. He's an educator, not an originalist. We need all kinds; that's what makes a team.

I disagree on garbage and infiltration. Look at Trump: nearly everything he did in the first three years was great; year four, the opposite. Yet, against anyone else with a change of winning, I'd vote for him again. (And I voted libertarian in 2016; I did not and actually do not trust him, as he is unprincipled, but learning. And he had some of the right people around him in the first three years.)

Ayn Rand had a rule: you deviate, you were out of her circle. So who did she keep in longer than nearly anyone else? Greenspan. How well did that work?

Rand was a cultist (which fit right in with her amphetamine addiction). The people here, and on Alexander's and others' sites, need to stop acting like cultists.

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That was a pretty simply question from OV was it not?

Now, if you have to strawman for the answer it should at least make you think a little surely.

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Alexander, then team Trump, was instrumental in pushing Remdesivir.


I don't do in politics - US politics least of all - but Trump is perfectly aware Pfizer nuked him on his reelection. He said nothing and is still proud of warp-speed. Why ?


Agreed to disagree re "who is an educator" and isn't. Pushing detrimental elements in opposition movements remains a standard move. Particularly with authoritarian regimes.


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Good question. Pfizer screwed Trump by not releasing the vaccine before the election and yet he is still singing their praises even though he has to know how they are injuring and killing people. Why indeed.

And if you recall both Biden and Kamala said that they wouldn’t take the 'Trump' vaccine because they didn’t know if it was safe…and yet 19 days later they both took the 'Trump' vaccine. I’m sure that no safety information came out before they got theirs.

Also he signed 2 executive orders.

1- he wanted to send everyone HCQ, but someone derailed it and yet he never followed through to do it.

2- he ordered that doctors had the right to try any treatments they wanted to. I don’t remember how he phrased it. Doctors already had the right, but hospital administrators were not allowing them to do it.

I’ve never decided whether the deep state actually hated Trump or if he was just a patsy. Too many things just don’t add up.

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Dr. Paul Elias Alexander pushed WhenDeathIsNear??!!! Wow. SMH. Has he admitted yet that it causes death from kidney disease? The very definition of pushing detrimental "elements," in a sense.

This is so much better than a detective novel. Or a horror movie. We are living in a horror shit show with a few great detectives who have devoted enormous amounts of time to figuring out who the perps are. You are no doubt among them, even if I'm unsure whether I agree on every point. I do maintain war makes strange bedfellows and we must not allow the enemy to divide us. Coalitions are essential, much as I'd like to be pure.

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Dec 26, 2023
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I was insisting on the lift of his Twitter suspension a year ago ; I understand what you mean.

Interesting angle on past ideological positions.


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Holy cow. I don't know when Kirsch wrote that first post highlighted on your link -- "How it will end," but my eyes bugged out when I read this completely unironic gem of Kirsch's -- "The Clinton Global Initiative may one day save us."

Can anyone with a stellar IQ ever have been that naive? Heavens! Now I have to consider that he's a "globalist player," which makes ME the naive one in my original estimation of Kirsch. (Live and learn.)

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We all knew or should have known that Steve Kirsch was a Democrat and all that goes with it. However, reading explains a lot - most of the gossipers don't read much about their gossip subject, just what they can twist to get someone to hate them.

For instance, if you read you'll find out OneID is for authenticating logins - for any site, not just banks. It's like a doorlock, not a global digital finance system. Also, SK resigned from there in 2021.

If you read you find out Steve Kirsch wrote an article a short time ago where someone told him fluoride in the water was toxic. As he wrote, his first thought was to go with consensus science but his vaccine-aware mind process made him stop and think. He investigated and wrote an article against fluoride in the water.

This tells me that his whole consensus science belief system has been shattered. Therefore I don't take as gospel Kirsch's consensus science beliefs from 2010. Certainly I can't believe he's a secret agent for Deep State.

He's gone up against vaccine companies, banks, and governments so they all hate him. Logic dictates that the enemy of my enemies is my friend.

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You two are the best!


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