Thank you to all the 8 authors who contributed in putting this together. Addressing these anomalies will be a challenge, and I'm hopeful this prompts a thorough audit of both the sites and the CROs.

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All of the above is true, however, the problem was not lack of regulatory oversight. These products were taken out of the pathway of regulatory oversight for which drugs and biologics are subject. They were purposely contracted by the DoD under OTA, and were legally defined not as drugs or vaccines but as "medical countermeasures." This is important to understand. There are laws on the books that enable the DoD to contract for medical countermeasures to be used in a declared medical emergency. As such a "medical countermeasure" is in the category of weapon, or any other product the DoD might employ in the defense of the country or in war. There was never any intention to treat these substances as if they were actually vaccines or drugs. The FDA cannot regulate a weapon that the DoD has purchased. If you are serious about legal challenges you need to understand the laws that have enabled the US bioterrorism program. Katherine Watt has undertaken a very detailed study of all these laws, and why "regulatory oversight" grounds will never succeed in a court of law. In fact it is part of a coverup to focus on regulation. You are participating in covering up the fact that the DoD and Congress created a bioterrorism program that can be used on Americans and others around the world. Watt's substack is: www.bailiwicknews.substack.com.

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Do any of the laws Watt refers to apply to regulatory processes outside the US? If not then you have American-centric tunnel vision.

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These are American laws. It appears that all countries in the West fell into place in lockstep. Once these laws are on the books in the US, it is possible that the Canada, Australia, NZ, UK and the EU have similar enabling laws, but I do not know of anyone who has done a deep dive into the laws on the books in those countries. It is American-centric because our Congress made laws that enabled the US bioterrorism program, and that enabled the DoD to be in charge of any response to a national medical emergency.

As you are probably aware, the globalists with power in western democracies speak and act in lockstep, for instance, all the countries that rushed to enact BUILD BACK BETTER legislation.

To understand why the FDA was not required to regulate these substances, one needs to look at the laws. The DoD contracted with pharmaceutical companies not for a vaccine, not for a drug, not for gene therapy, but for something called a "medical countermeasure." A countermeasure in DoD parlance means a measure to counter an attack of some kind.

As a "medical countermeasure," the contract was authorized under OTA (Other Transactional Authority). Under OTA, the DoD and other government agencies can contract for items OUTSIDE the regulatory framework of the federal government. This is legal.

I am not saying it should be legal. I am not saying this is a good thing. I am saying we need to repeal these laws ASAP. The laws that make this whole response to national medical emergency essentially allow for a legalized form of crimes against humanity to occur, as occurred in COVID 19. This cannot stand.

However, Congress does not want to open this up. Many people are working to try to cover up the legal basis for the crimes that were committed because they are partially responsible for what happened: hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have died. Even Senator Ron Johnson, when supplied with the information on these laws, did not bring them up in any of his Senate meetings to which people who were vaccine injured, and doctors who tried to help people were invited.

I think it is possible that those who do not want to pay attention to the legal framework have a vested interest in protecting themselves from being held responsible.

The focus on regulation might be helpful for the future, but it does not solve the underlying problem of enabling the DoD to be in charge of a national medical emergency. That is something heinous in and of itself. And I am usually a supporter of our military. But I never would support the military being in charge of a medical response to anything.

By the way I am a retired MD. I am horrified at how doctors and hospitals across the country participated in all of this.

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how better repeal the law than show insurmountable proof of its abuse?

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I totally agree. And that's not to mention the laws now on the books that take actual property rights away from investors and replace them with "security entitlements". Such rights come AFTER the rights of big-money derivatives traders in bankruptcy situations. If financial disaster happens and the securities transfer companies go belly up, the big boys will grab YOUR investment assets because they are all being used, without your permission, as collateral. Result? You will "own nothing".

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Yes, they have been working on that for a couple decades. The great taking indeed and the big bonus is that they have, over time, made it LEGAL to steal everyone's everything. And that's After the Bail-In's

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So Watt! American centric? You have to start somewhere. 🥴

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You are participating in trying to exculpate pharmaceutical companies and clinical trial staff by means of misdirection. Nobody is denying military involvement, in fact Augusto Roux has provided the most irrefutable evidence yet, in stark comparison to some internet pundits.

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Not at all. I am simply being realistic. You can get upset that there was no regulatory oversight or you can understand there was never any intended regulatory oversight. You can tell FDA, "you should have regulated these substances and it's your fault that you didn't regulate them!" Or you can realize the FDA. had no say in the matter at all.

In no way am I excusing the international pharmaceutical criminal racket. I am saying that what needs to happen is repeal of all the laws that created the US Bioterrorism program and that enabled the DoD to be in charge of a declared medical emergency. As long as that legal architecture is in place, no amount of regulation can fix it. (See Katherine Watt's website for all the details on all the laws that have been enacted since the 1940's on public health and on the bioterrorism program).

It's a matter of HOW to hold Big Pharma to account. As long as DoD contracts with pharmaceutical companies for medical countermeasures, and as long as there is a law requiring the DoD under the Joint Chiefs of Staff to have the overarching responsibility for everything once a medical emergency is declared, there isn't anything anyone can do, not the FDA, HHS, or even the President. It is a fait accompli. Everything that was done is on paper, "legal," until it can be proven that crimes against humanity were committed knowingly through these laws. If that can be proven and if the laws can be nullified that way, perhaps there is a chance. But as long as these laws are on the books, there is no amount of regulation that can fix it.

If these laws are repealed, THEN big pharma won't have the option of contracting with DoD for "medical countermeasures." They will have to go the regular regulatory pathway, that is required for all drug manufacturers.

But as long as these laws are in place IT IS THE LAW ITSELF that indemnifies every single person in the chain of command, including doctors, hospital administrators, and drug companies. We know there were doctors that withheld nutrition and vital fluids from sick patients, and that medicated them with respiratory depressants and the patients died unnecessarily FROM THEIR TREATMENT. They are indemnified AS LONG AS THEY FOLLOWED THE NIH PROTOCOL.. This is how insane these laws are.

So no, I am not participating in trying to exculpate pharmaceutical companies and clinical trial staff, not one bit. I am saying that as far as federal law currently exists, the laws that built the US Bioterrorism program along with the laws dealing with medical emergencies and pandemic preparedness, all these laws put the Joint Chiefs of Staff as responsible for a supposed response to a medical emergency.

Doesn't that in itself sound unacceptable? Since when is the DoD an expert on medical care?

Aren't you even a little upset that Congress enacted these laws without once telling the American people they were doing this?

Brook Jackson who took Pfizer to court had her case dismissed precisely because Pfizer said to the court, "Your honor, we had a contract with the US DoD. All we did was honor that contract." It was the DoD that requested these "countermeasures."

In other words, the government or DoD committed the fraud, we just gave them what they asked for.

This is the reason that focusing solely on regulatory oversight misses the point from a legal standpoint at this point in time. Once these laws are repealed THEN BY ALL MEANS GO AFTER THE PHARMACEUTICAL companies. But now, cases will just be dismissed or thrown out like Brook Jackson's case was.

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Brook's case isnt thrown out though. Do you realize you are arguing precisely the way Pfizer is banking all their money on? Dont you think it'd be within their means to seed demotivating propaganda so that their shitheap of a study isnt worth scrutinizing? How often does phmpt.org show up in your browser history?

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I might be wrong but wasn't Trump coercing the FDA to skip safety protocols? They have prosecuted him for everything under the sun except this. I recall him in an interview with Candace Owens where he said not a single person has been harmed by these vaccines. I believe she just shook her head. He's right not a single person and I heard counts towards 14 million worldwide. Trump wanted us to be first to have 5G and some have went as far as to claim that the vaccines and 5G have a connection. Nanobots that self assemble and saw recent video with Bill Gates saying mRNA is really cheap and all they need to do is play with it (His words). Then he owns patent 060606 where people would receive cryptocurrency for completing tasks. Bing Chat volunteers that it's not a microchip when I questioned it about this patent. So maybe there is something to these nano particulates. In the UK nursing homes were cleared by overdosing the patients to get the Convid numbers to rise and funeral directors were stating it was becoming nearly impossible to embalm the deceased due to fibrous clots building in the arteries and upon examination it was building up in peoples hearts as well so here came the strokes and heart attacks. Everything that seems unbelievable seems to becoming reality. Many drugs the FDA approve sometimes offer as little as 25% benefit and get approved. I developed Tardive Dyskinesia from taking a prescription medication and saw side effects video from these vaccines and said no way. I did do the petition for abandoning the UN and also tweeted it to my 200+ followers.

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You hold no credibility when you fail to include the fact that Biden and his administration mandated the vaccine. Trump got the right to try bill signed for people to take experimental drugs. No mandates on jabbing everyone. Remember, Biden said, “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

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I am quite certain I have pointed that out in other substacks I have commented in. Trump wanted the US to be first to have 5G, he coerced the FDA to skip safety protocols with these vaccines for a EUA. Biden mandated it. Despite millions of deaths and injuries Trump still pats himself on the back for it's creation. I am voting for Trump but only as the lessor of 2 evils.

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The censorship of the medical community that opposed the vaccine mandate from the beginning is enough to criminalize the perpetrators.

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Thank you so much for this extensive investigation. I think we can all agree that something untowards, secretive, fishy, covert went on behind the scene. We all know this because we’re observant, feel disoriented with all the obfuscation and lies. The worldwide narratives, weaponized terms blah, blah, blah. Eve has brought up a very interesting POV. Perhaps that’s the reason the pharmaceutical companies appear smug. What is extremely notable is all the censorship of doctors, scientists, researchers and statisticians. The total lack of active data collection and no diagnostic tests for a product never used on human beings before. I’m shot injured and gob smacked at being abandoned, censored and having derogatory weaponized terms, like antivaxxer being thrown at me. Eve’s point may explain this total dereliction of duty. The lab leak has been treated the same way so feel there is a connection between the two. Something big needs covered up.

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"A Bailiwick reader is doing a deep research dive into pre-1972 statutory and regulatory history of some Public Health Service-Health and Human Services divisions, including National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

"For context, 1972 is the year that ostensible biologics regulation — which is actually non-regulation — transferred from the NIH Division of Biologics Standards to the FDA Bureau of Biologics.

"November 1973 is when FDA published a consolidated set of biological product manufacturing non-regulations in the Federal Register.

"Administrative rule-making by FDA since 1973 is relatively easy to locate.

"Administrative rule-making by NIH prior to 1973 is more difficult to locate.

"One of the questions the reader is trying to answer has to do with whether biological regulation authority was ever statutorily established by Congress, for NIH and its precursor organizations, going back to the late 1800s.

"Modern-day NIH and FDA officials present historical accounts of how the biological product and vaccine manufacturing regulatory systems began and developed.

"But from her research so far, the reader has concluded that their origin-story claims are not supported by the text of the statutes they cite.

"During an email exchange recently, she raised the question “Why are they lying” about their statutory and/or administrative origins?

"I sent her a reply with my hypothesis about why NIH and FDA lie about their origins and evolution.

"…The "why they are lying" question is one that I've been mulling for a few months.

"My hypothesis is that they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses (virtual mailboxes), without having any actual technical staff, laboratory equipment, or application and sample processing procedures.

"They do that so that they can have fake forms for vaccine manufacturers to fill out. These included both the establishment license application, ELA, and product license application, PLA, from 1973 to the mid-1990s.

"The ELA+PLA application process became, in the mid-1990s, the biologics license application, or BLA, by eliminating even the ostensible/fake requirement for establishment inspections and licensing, and by breaking up the "responsible head" at the factories, into multiple responsible people, so that no one would be responsible.

"The factory employees, who are also just a handful of paper pushers with no scientific knowledge or responsibility, in a building whose equipment just makes immunotoxic junk and puts it in vials and slaps labels on it, filled out the application forms and mailed them to the FDA addresses (Bureau of Biologics in 1973, all its NIH predecessors and FDA successors, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research-CBER now).

"The application forms arrived at that address where another one or two paper pushers put them in a filing cabinet and then shredded them a few years later.

"Since the advent of electronic filing systems, the application and licensing forms have been filed, transferred and stored electronically, and deleted at regular intervals.

"There are no technicians in the buildings, there's no equipment, no sample testing occurs.

"It's all a front: statutes, regulations, procedures, application forms, buildings, addresses, offices, labs, approved applications and licenses sent by FDA back to the factories, everything.

"A handful of people at pharma companies know it.

"A handful of people at FDA know it.

"And everyone else just assumes that a different, specialized department with specialized staff, equipment and procedures, is handling it somewhere in the factory, and somewhere within FDA.

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You're ALL correct. We need to go after everyone, repeal the laws that make murder legal, and understand that they are all guilty, culpable, liable, and malicious.

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I totally agree!

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Don't forget the .exe lol Yes, it's a file suffix, but it should apply.

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.. 148 references and you guys have only paused for coffee i bet

incredible work for the history books .. and probative evidence for the cases to come

and what an all star team

thank you

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Thanks a LOT and kudos to each and every author of this impressive report, I just read today from the beginning to the end!

A long text, but very short compared to the HUGE amount of work you put in beforehand!

So again, thanks 🙏🏼 from the bottom of the ❤️

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Excellent work. This must have been an Herculean effort. Thanks for all your time and work on this.

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Thank you , …. truth is here! Why does the ACOG still recommend these jabs to pregnant women is shocking to me .

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Seems they are betting the farm on public ignorance, to get as many stragglers as possible.

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"Overall, 1203 subjects were "lost to randomization" across 108 of 153 sites, indicating a significant anomaly."

This might explain a lot of missing deaths and SAEs.

The diagram that is automatically displayed when linking in telegram (symptoms, the last figure of the article) might be misleading, as vax-proponents might consider this as prove of fantastic efficacy of BNT. The effect till end of 2020 ist certainly statistically significant, but of doubtful clinical relevance. Most striking:, This effect will surely no translate into a benefit in a reasonable benefit analysis. No way!

For the short time: I could not see a convincing explanation for this alleged efficacy.

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Out of all the participants that remained in the study, how many of them are dead or disabled (including cancers, neurological disorders, etc..) today? Are they even keeping tabs? They have a head-start compared to the rest of the world, so may be good to know how many of them turned into zombies (1p36 deletion syndrome which is one of the AEs on pfizer doc).

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Suspiciously, not one country is collecting systematic, unbiased data. Were our governments always this inept or has covid mess shone a bright spotlight on it? I know many countries are more concerned with their upcoming elections which is so pathetic, revolting actually. Or is there something more sinister occurring? We all just want fucking answers!! Especially those of us who are injured from this mystery shot. Will it continue to do damage? I am so sickened by these people.

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Unfortunately there is something more sinister going on and it goes back centuries. Certain families control the bankers and industrial-military complex and the middle-men politicians. Virtually all politicians have been groomed into their positions, which includes blackmail material. We are after all 'useless eaters' to use their words. If not the mystery shot, or all other shots before it, we are constantly being poisoned from all angles. We need to stick together, find solutions, and exchange without being censored. Personally, if I took the shot, and even if I showed no symptoms, I would use several times a week- an infrared sauna, infrared panels, hyperbaric oxygen, IV shots like high dose vitamin C/ALA/glutathione/etc..., and have my Rife machine going on 24x7. And of course, eat organic, drink distilled water, and take numerous supplements. Best to you.

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I'm beginning to think we'd all be far better off feral.

In the end, there is likely only One place in the world safe from the New World Order, unfortunately, the people there don't take kindly to strangers. Who would have imagined, that the uncivilized savages of North Sentinel Island would turn out to be the smartest people on Earth ??

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“Holy Rat Crap, Batman!” All the data coming out reminds me of an amazing quote.

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” – Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

This is why it takes years for most people to learn what happened.

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50 years and counting for thalidomide and no convictions

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God bless the authors for this painstaking work. I tend to take a big picture view of clinical research such as this: the dice are loaded, but figuring out how specifically they were loaded on a bolts to nuts basis is a much harder undertaking requiring mind blowing effort to sort out. The Process 2 versus Process 1 used in the clinical trials is also worrisome: they grew this in e coli? How would that have potentially affected me, whose most persistent illness in my lifetime was antibiotic resistent e coli in 2019?

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Thank you so much for the analysis and for being great people! There's still hope!

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dire SUBLIMI non rende l'idea!!! grazie di ♥

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A masterly work of art by this experienced and highly regarded team. Referring to our peer reviewed journal article Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial (https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/86/224) the sheer audacity of hiding at least 3 deaths amongst the vaccinated to get the VRBPAC to recommend the EUA be given, still remains amazing to me, and few people in the freedom movement have taken this on. We need to hold these people accountable. You can read more of our reports at https://dailyclout.io/pfizer-and-moderna-reports/

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FYI: I added this to the "Smoking Gun" page at Totality of Evidence


But you've featured heavily in the FOIA document timeline


Thank you Dr Flowers et al for your dedicated work. I am following you on substack to find out where the coordinated effort of wading through the next million pages of FOIA document goes, now that Daily Clout has "dropped" the lead.

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Eliminating test subjects without explanation or documentation is a common practice when they adversely impact achieving a positive result for drug/vaccine/injection approval.

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I couldn't find any mention of Maddie de Garay - who I think of as being another example, along with Augusto, of trial AEs being wilfully suppressed. Or have I got that wrong?

Thank you for your hard work, its an absolute service to humanity.

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Yes good point, though in her case the AE was reported (though minimized) and never acknowledged as related to the vaccine she received:


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Yes - and how many other reported "minimal" AEs were actually as bad as hers? (Though presumably a single such case should be enough to stop everything).

And how can they know the effect is unrelated to the treatment, when this is the trial to determine the treatment's effects?

To me, Maddie de Garay is one of the biggest smoking guns that definitively prove not only that jab development and rollout was conducted in bad faith, but that the entire medico-pharma edifice is a malign scam.

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Those are all good questions, and I completely agree with you.

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Even more alarming to me is that this could be the tip of the iceberg because of reporting bias. I know many people who seem quite clearly to be vaxx injured based on timing, but none of them or their docs will make the connection.

Eg a 20 yr old woman who got bells palsy and a TIA immediately after jab 2. The docs told her she couldn't have a booster because of this. But until she discussed it with me, she didn't make the connection.

We only know about Maddie because her parents raised the alarm - which involves acknowledging that she was injured because of their decision to enrol her. How many more children have been injured in these trials but their parents couldn't face what they have done, and went along with what the docs were saying?

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Horshack: OH, Oh,oh, oh !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3zbjHxVVxM

I know the exact answer: TOO MANY !!

Maybe I have a harsh opinion, but ANY parent that would sign their children up to be Big Pharma guinea pigs for any reason, has some severe mental and criminal issues. I guess it beats driving the kiddo's into the lake themselves, huh ??

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Thank you for the prompting.

I've added a link to Maddie's story in Smoking Gun on my website


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In my opinion, civilization has become too technically advanced for our own good. Far too many people can be recruited, through sheer ignorance about how these advanced technologies actually work, to participate in development and deployment of technologies that are downright dangerous to humanity. Of course, one of those technologies is AI-aided propaganda, mind control, and censorship.

Far too many people in governmental positions have no clue about technology in general to properly regulate its advancement, or even its pursuit in the first place. Not to mention the requisite understanding of how yielding to the lure of money and power can threaten the fundamental basis upon which a democratic republic exists. "Civilized" humanity has lost its way. Schools now teach kids what to think, not how to think.

What's the bottom line? We as a species have come to worship the technology god. All problems are best solved through technology. All advancements come through technology. The faster they are adopted the better. No time for proper regulation. If a technology causes problems, simply throw another technology on top to make things better and move on.

And what is lost in worshiping this god? Application of the timeless values and principles that truly make us human. Each technology takes us one step farther away from our surroundings and our humanity. Whether you call it spirituality or something else, the basis of humans living together must be the ethics and morals that have served for centuries, not technology.

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Remember back in 2020 when people were being alarmist, saying the "They" were going to drive us back to the 1800's ?? Well, I have been saying all along, that this is not a sentence, but instead it is the cure.

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Our educational system is to blame. Students are taught what to think, not how to think. The precepts of logic, maths, and philosophy, have given way to cultural relativism and Kumbaya.

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I would agree that our educational system is a major contributing factor. But the root cause in my opinion is the long-standing cabal of psychopathic billionaires who have managed to inundate our universities with postmodernist professors who have lost all touch with reality. They brainwash our future teachers, who then go on to do disservice to our youth and therefore our society.

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Thank you to all that have put this together.

Incredibly important, hope everyone shares far & wide.!!!!

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