Even simpler than that. When you use relative risk instead of absolute risk, it’s because you know your results are BS.

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I wrote this some time again as a response to people believing that the fraud of the COVID vaccine program was about the use of relative risk rather than absolute risk.

I hope it explains why that is not the case.


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Another word for data manipulator is criminal.

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Rules for Thee not Me!

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We are in year five of debate about purported threat and deployed countermeasure but biology basics are still largely missing from discussion among leading voices.

First is persistent myth that RNA molecules get miraculous powers when CRISPR keyboard gene jockeys cobble together magical sequences that are called Gain of Function when it's a batch of pure clones grown in E.coli... zero biology to support the idea that clones change the Laws of Nature.. even NIH funded GoF Review details it is vaccine development tool to do vaccine stockpile plans & do not reflect "wild type virus" which are like shooting stars in the galaxy & can't be grown from a bat's ass or human.. it's model mythology.


Next is the fact that five years into this clown show of frauds the decades old bench science tool known as TRANSFECTION is still being called vaccines. Aside from syringe delivery & fact that attempts to augment the immune system with Trojan Horse attack inside all the immune system barriers to induce a T-cell response is the most idiotic theory ever these never were or will be vaccines. As an old Beltway Bandit this fraud smells like IP rebranding campaign.

If the goal is to find the truth let's start with biology and terms that define function. Anyone who has experience at medical schools or vaccine development have known since 1999 Jesse Gelsinger case that human bodies NEVER tolerate foreign proteins and TRANSFECTING humans was always criminal. https://web.archive.org/web/20121025034826/https://www.nytimes.com/1999/11/28/magazine/the-biotech-death-of-jesse-gelsinger.html

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Thank you for your informative comment and for the links to the 2016 report and the 1999 NY Times article.

Very damning evidence that they knew this information and did it anyway.

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Always my pleasure knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us! Despite decades tracking Rockefeller-Gates Biotech Mafia the biggest breakthrough finding the science fraud is brilliant teacher, broadly censored Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey for debunking much of the biology fraud for me. <3



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As a coincidence, I just finished watching/listening to Dr. JJ Couey's comments in this video:


More damning evidence that they knew better and did it anyways.

I agree with your comment that " knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on".

Thanks again

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You can catch him live now even better!


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I used to quite like him as you'll see from my defence of his arguments back in 2023, but later that year he was targeted by people we have identified as federal (bad) actors and he turned somewhat. So now he spends his time telling us how everybody apart from him is the problem. It's a shame but I suspect he is being blackmailed like they have tried to do with a number of us.

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For me it's irrelevant whether folks are liked or not the issue that matters is the quality of information.. much like whistleblower dumps some are more interested in the source than the substance of leaks. yawn!

As an old Beltway Bandit with lots of whistleblowers and targets in my orbit the idea that Jay is being blackmailed is laughable but the notion of being financially crushed and throttled in cyberspace pretty real.

What matters more is the biology and vocabulary that seems to be missing from discussion. Do you have any science to refute the claims?

Where's the error for RNA can not pandemic?

Refute TRANSFECTION in humans was always criminal and calling it an investigational vaccine an ongoing fraud & skip the personality takes.

What about push back for the idea that intramuscular injection of any combination of substances w intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. Explain how he's wrong please because decades of reading Biotech Mafia science had me confused but fraud seems clear now but happy if you have a better argument w mechanisms to produce T-cell immunity w anything jabbed in a syringe, thanks! :~)

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When JJ sticks to the science, he presents himself and the information he is providing very effectively and very credibly. However, when he spends too much time complaining about others and what they should have done, or what they should be doing, he alienates those who would otherwise support him. Ranting about this probably alienates some of his listeners.

I do understand his frustration, however and I very much respect him for his expertise and for his courage and integrity.

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My data is in real time, day after day. No vaccines or mRNA poisons in over 50 years and I am alive and healthy nearing age 75. No drugs either for more than a few weeks and very seldom. What could any doctoring do at this point? All big pharma drugs have the potential to cause numerous harms and even death.

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My parents are close to your age. None of them got COVID, but everyone else in the house did. It may have to do with the smallpox vaccine they had received in their youth.

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Corruption is everywhere.

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As it happened I was skeptical of those Israel studies because no one else published similar. It’s hard to make everyone lie but you can make many shut up.

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Is there any Serious Adverse Health Issue the Pfizer & Moderna injections don't cause?

This means they are desperate to keep their 'Licence to Kill' ZERO LIABILITY clause for the few remaining believers in their depopulating injections.

I will continue to reveal my thoughts about the man-modified Covid scam and the DEADLY mRNA injections they pretended were 'vaccines'.

2024 started to get interesting with various truths coming to light. Like Zuckerberg admitting he curtailed and omitted FREE SPEECH on his FACEBOOK platform, after supposedly being pressured by the Biden's corrupt US Government to keep Covid details and Vax dangers hidden from the world. He thinks we don't realise he was enthusiastic about the entire NWO Plot!

At the end of 2024, 16 US States have banned the promotion of Covid mRNA (Deadly) injections.

Hopefully, 2025 will see the corrupt Big Pharma (Covid & Vax Scam) House of Cards disintegrate.

We hope this trend becomes an avalanche of realisation that the whole thing was a man-made Scam to 'depopulate' and imprison the remaining population to become SLAVES of the 'Elite'.

Who knows, maybe even Trump might prove to be 'genuine' by making Big Pharma LIABLE for the injuries and DEATHS caused by their dangerous, but shielded' injected poisons?

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer by avoiding corrupt medics with poisonous mRNA syringes.

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Though the real-world studies are definitely trash and vaccines probably had a net negative efficacy, I don’t think I buy this argument. Changes in background covid rates, testing rates, who is getting tested, and PCR sensitivity/false-positivity all confound the comparisons of the five studies in question. These studies also seem to enroll people whose last vaccination was “at least x months before”. So these would be people whose alleged vaccine efficacy against cases had basically waned to zero already. Also, median age in Dagan was 45, whereas it was 53 in Moreira and 72 in Magan. Age could be the main explainer here.

A different idea for how to falsify the real-world studies:

As time passes, natural immunity becomes more prevalent. Hence, “true” vaccine efficacy should decline over time, provided such VE is defined as including people with prior infection. Perhaps the best place to look for data to support this are hybrid immunity studies. If I am not misremembering, these studies at times say things like “natural immunity is 90% effective, whereas hybrid immunity is 95% effective”. Wording like this would imply that there are three groups in such studies: the unvaccinated with no past infection (control group), the unvaccinated with past infection (natural immunity group), and the vaccinated with past infection (hybrid immunity group). If the two unvaccinated groups can be merged together, then there may be enough data in these studies to calculated a new “true” VE, relative to being unvaccinated, regardless of prior covid status. Then one can see if this VE decreases in subsequent studies as time passes. If it does not, something is wrong. The main reason this idea would not be possible is because the two unvaccinated groups were not simply derived from a single data sample that was sorted into two groups, but rather were a result of separate queries.

Another thing to try is this:

Look up the latest systematic review of vaccine efficacy of any particular dose. Sort the reported peak VE’s of all studies according to dates that were studied. See if peak VE’s decline over time or not. They should decline, as increasing natural immunity should level the playing field in all groups. No such decline either implies systematic bias or a relative nonexistence of covid as a real entity. Can repeat this same analysis for all specific number of booster doses. Again, such studies would had to have not excluded people with prior infection.

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No problem. Let's have the data. The original raw patient level data from Clalit.

Then we'll see what actually happened

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The Australian Government is still promoting the juice - as well as finishing off building 3 mRNA factories so they can pump out millions of these technologies into people - not sure why they haven't got it yet - as well as many others who still are lining up for their jabs here in Australia - the CENSORSHIP - AD HOMINEM and IGNORING is their strategy - as well as the media control

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Thank u Dr. Syed for your honesty.

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Well done. I will be using this in a continuing fight. Truth is good...data manipulation and fake science bad...hanging bad. Where will all these people go with a hole in their foot...beaches would not be appropriate...that hole would still be showing. They are caught red-handed...liars.

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Why waste time with fraudulent data? Many vaccinated were classified as unvaccinated, because they were less than 14 or 21 days after vaccination. Meaningless science.

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Because these data were used in courts around the world to stop people earning a living.

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You (or they) are playing an illogical, rigged game. False data can be used to prove any (true or false) conclusions. Tell the courts this!

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Israeli 'real world' studies were not plausible for other reasons. Highly recommend this piece, written immediately when Dagan was published in 2021: https://kevinmd.com/2021/03/a-physician-questions-the-covid-vaccine-data-from-israel.html

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real world data - VAERS and DMED reports

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Do you know the excessive death rate in Israel post-COVID or COVID vaccines versus the death rate before November 2019? Pre-October 7 2023, perhaps?

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Ah, long time no see, Tim.

I see that you simply can't comment on topic.

Allow me to offer you perpetual holidays from this blog, for free.

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