Congratulations on an outstanding effort.

I see a younger me in there.

May it "go viral" without the jab.

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Very useful info, in particular your list of recommended sites, to which I would add Peter Halligan's substack. Well worth checking out. On the censoring of virus skeptics' comments, you may well be fighting an uphill battle as ever increasing numbers become aware of the biggest fraud of all. So good luck with that!

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I have found a way around some of the censors. most are just bots that recognize words. I started spelling the words phonetically. they watch for the hyphenation that many use. I also use capital lettering with numbers replacing letters. all helps confuse the bots. Our problem has become the wide range of attacks on so many areas that it is hard for one person to keep track. they divide us into ever smaller groups who each have valid arguments but dont come together because it is theirs that are most important to them that their focus wont include the problems of a fellow citizen. Each day I have hundreds of emails from sites that I have seen that hold true cause against government. I must choose from within their number to support but cant follow them all. Now as my energy wanes and my time is short I must hand the baton to others. sadly I find so few who can or even want the trouble of fighting against government seeing what the ones that has tried and failed. My path is set but many could make a difference.------- I, Grampa

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Thanks for your feedback !

As the wise Grampa notes, it's indeed hard for one person to keep track and the censorship has been efficient - I must admit I only heard about Peter Halligan's substack yesterday. Subscribed ; I'll edit soon - needless to say this list isn't exhaustive, I forgot many even among my known & trusted sources.

Will perform further updates as we learn, in any case.

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Not so wise or I would have been warning everyone I know long ago. I wouldn't have seen these sites if I hadn't been forced to retire. I was hit by a driver too interested in texting than driving. I took two steps into the walkway when he hit me. it damaged my back so I had to take pain medication. Fords told my I was a safety risk. I cant program robots and take pain pills. I was already past retirement age so they needed room for "new people" I can see their point because these robots go where they are told and dont care who or what is in the way. but back to the internet. I had to keep busy so now I aggravate the politicians. Oh and thanks for reading my rant. it is good to know my time isnt wasted !!! ------ I, Grampa

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I thought I couldn't hate Bourla any more than I already did.....boy, was I wrong.....

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Clear, concise and well -referenced. I don't see how anyone can argue with this. Thank you and well done.

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Huge thanks for the mention. Very happy to be in this space with you, thank you again for your incredible work.

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Same to you 😌 - you're doing amazing work - and it'll only get better !

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Thank you for all the hard work!

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Thank You ❤️ the video explains c4591001 perfectly. I live in the shadow of one of the "exclusion" zones. I wonder if they recruited teachers because they seem to have gotten it before anyone else.

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Sorry by "it" I mean bnt162b2 🙂 injection

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We see an ever expanding data bank on the after effects of the jab. No amount of testing could have foreseen the problems. even in America with 330 million people we have the possibility of 330 million individual reactions. reactions that we have seen from mild to death within hours.. What we dont need is the blatant denial that they have no problems. What really rials me is the single focus mindset that we have but one path, Theirs ! everyone jumped on the same solution. without clinical trials hod did they come to this conclusion that altering our DNA was the best path? Who made this choice? and worldwide at the same time? were all the labs in sync? clearly the goal wasnt to immunise against covid. This has altered the path of mankind. I hear rumblings about controlling population to save the planet. the frail and flimsy reason given about global warming that our data has said hasnt happened for six years. What I see is the way to cull out the use of government funding for social security and the people that must use the greater portion for medical. Let me rephrase part of that . I said government funds. it isnt governments money. its our taxes. that we have paid into for some security as we age. removing this "burden" would free up millions to spend elsewhere. other deaths will be in the less productive people that put a burden on society. Importing people with strong backs but week minds that can and will live at the lower standard of living without complaint. Killing of the seniors removes any memory of freedom and how government should work. The goals is now power and control. making people think that government is the answer. thinking that it is government that grants us our rights. Not protecting and defending them. to object with a different opinion is now treasonous. to voice an opinion insurrection. all now crimes against government. Its Government knows what is best for you and you will do as we say without question. Is this what you want. To walk about in a controlled fall , counting on government to catch you. the problem becomes, they catch only the ones who agree with them. I think they have altered our DNA to the point that just by adding a chemical to drinking water will trigger a new round of deaths. each designed to react upon a planned DNA map. Far fetched? well I dont think like the woke generation. Want to see my prediction !!! view the series the Hungar Games to get an idea of what is coming. I hope I am wrong.-------- I, Grampa

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This is almost exactly what I have been looking for, to save myself a lot of work! Thank you SO much.

I'd be really grateful for a reference for "First of all it quickly became obvious that the product didn't prevent Covid illness at all 6

The reference given doesn't really seem germane!

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The reference in question is the - at this time highly reluctant - concession from the White House that perhaps what we were seeing in real life - vaccinated people catching COVID at high rates, was real.

As far as "what's the effective impact on viral load and transmission" - that's a point I'll nuance in a next edition.

I'm certain that the efficacy has been fraudulently altered but, between "negative efficacy" (my instinctive inclination) and an efficacy of 45%~ (Curevac, rejected post trial at 47%), where to place the cursor is speculative at this stage, given that we lack the quality data that this C4591001 trial was precisely supposed to provide.

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